Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ira Spring Trail to Mason Lake- 9.24.11

Ira Spring Trail
Hike #2, 7 miles, 2550 ft Elevation gain

By far one of my favorite "Destination hikes".  It's like you get this amazing reward at the top of your trek and its in the form of a glistening lake of many treasures. 

A lovely switch back shrouded in raspberry bushes almost ripe for the picking
This hiking day I did not realize how hot it would get and that a majority of your ascent is switchbacking along the rock face of the mountain.  So not much protection from the elements.  For a about the first mile you are shaded in the dense forest until it opens up for the real ascent...

At about 2 1/2 miles the trail levels off, elev 4,750, and begins a slight descent into the regrowth forest (from a small fire decades past).  A welcome break from the heat and the climb. 
Another half mile and you stumble onto the forested basin of Lake Mason.  Its almost surreal because you feel like you are coming up from underneath it to peek over its edge.

There was a large group of dads and sons, setting up camp along the waters edge.  They looked so proud of there accomplishment.  I found a large rock to sit and enjoy my own quiet celebration.  It included an apple and a chug of water overlooking the still of the lake.

Hiking down was more of a run as I felt the last fleeting moments of sun hitting the distant horizon.  A beautifully quiet and self reflecting sort of day.