#8, 7 miles, 3700 ft
Summit 3980
The trick I have discovered to bypass the main Si trail is start from little Si and take the boulder garden loop. Boulder Garden loop starts about .3 miles from the trail head off to the right. This is a fairly easy loop gaining just under a 1000 ft in elevation. At 1.2 miles you reach the Old Big Si trail where the real hike begins.
2120 ft elevation in 2.2 miles.
This trail intercepts the main trail in two places just below the basin and as soon as you reach the summit and haystack you realize how many people who do not know this secret. So please don't spread the word.
As soon as I had entered the trail I met a guy who matched my speed and we were passing slow moving families huffing and puffing as we made our summit push.
Summit views were amazing and families and groups of people were scattered across the rocks.
Every boulder seemed to be occupied with picnickers, photo taking, book reading or just enjoying the view. I made my way over the boulder scramble and headed toward the haystacks.
Elevation at the basin of the haystacks is 3980 with another 220 ft gained from a nearly sheer face scramble. It is very tempting for people of all skill levels and that is why extra caution should be taken when scrambling next to people pushing themselves beyond their skill or comfort level. On this day the appeal of such amazing views makes for a very busy rock face. Careless climbers are kicking loose rocks and not paying attn in there hurry.

I made my way about halfway up before I realized there was too many people attempting fairly technical terrain after nearly getting taken out by a loose rock. The gentleman I had met earlier on the trail agreed. Its not a matter of your own skill level but assesing those around you. And deciding how comftorable you are given all of the variable factors beyond your control.
It was slightly dissapointing and even a bit of a let down to climb only half way up just to turn around after climbing nearly 3500 ft....but oh well. Would rather live to climb again.
One guy nearly got stuck wedged in a crack. |
Favorite end of hike treat. |
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